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Marathon Checklist

The week leading up to the marathon is crucial for physical and mental preparation. It's important to take extra care of yourself.

Don’t Try Anything New

This is not the time to try new gear, foods, or strategies. I always say that I’ll “bubble-wrap” myself during this week to avoid injury and ensure my body is as ready as possible.


Mental Preparation

Visualize yourself running the marathon—smiling, feeling strong, and confident. If any negative thoughts pop up, push them out of your mind. If it helps, you can even say aloud, “I am not listening to your bad thoughts!” (Just keep that between you and yourself, preferably not in public.)


Hydration & Nutrition

Drink plenty of water throughout the week, and focus on eating extra carbs (about 25% of each meal). Good carb options include bagels, pop tarts, animal crackers, pasta, and graham crackers.


To stay hydrated, consider drinking NUUN electrolytes or take time to meditate and relax, especially the night before the race. When race morning arrives, you’ll be properly hydrated and ready to go!


Recovery Tools

Take time to foam roll or use your favorite recovery tools in the evenings while watching TV. Stretching at night will also help keep your muscles loose and prepared.


Two Nights Before the Race

Aim to go to bed early, and get a solid night’s sleep. This night is even more important than the night before the race because it’s harder for many people to sleep the night before the big day.


The Night Before the Race

Make sure you have everything ready: your clothes, watch, nutrition, and check bag. Having everything prepped the night before will reduce stress and help you focus on race day.

Jeanne Runs | Marathon Training - Marathon Checklist
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