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Marathon Stages

The stages of a marathon vary for every runner, but I like to break the race into key milestones. Using these benchmarks can help drive a positive and successful marathon experience.

5K: The Honeymoon Stage

Most runners feel invincible during the first 5K. These miles often fly by in a blink, leaving you energized and confident. However, it’s important not to let this feeling fool you into thinking the rest of the race will be a breeze. There’s still a long way to go, so pace yourself!


10K: Settling In

By this point, maintaining a steady pace becomes crucial. You’re still feeling strong, but it’s a good time to start fueling to ensure you stay ahead of your energy needs.


Half Marathon: The Midpoint Check-In

Reaching the halfway mark is a major milestone! Use it as an opportunity to evaluate how you’re feeling and make sure your fueling plan is still on track. This is also the time to start mentally preparing for the tougher miles ahead—tap into your mental toughness and stay focused.

Jeanne Runs | Marathon Training - Marathon Stages

Mile 18: The Confidence Builder

Mile 18 is a significant marker. When I hit this point, I know in my heart that I’m going to finish. It’s another great time to fuel and consider increasing your electrolyte intake. The finish line feels closer, and that boost of confidence can help power you through.


Mile 22: The Final Push 

At mile 22, the toughest miles are behind you. This is when mental toughness really kicks in. Don’t allow any negative thoughts to creep in—focus on your strength and determination. The crowd support often picks up here, and if your name is on your shirt, people will cheer for you. Let their encouragement fuel you to the finish.


The Finish Line: Life-Changing 

Crossing the finish line is an indescribable moment. The overwhelming sense of accomplishment will remind you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Your life will be forever changed—you’ll carry this strength with you into every challenge you face.


The Next Day: What’s Next? 

Feeling inspired? Celebrate your achievement by signing up for your next race. There’s always another starting line waiting for you!

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