After completing the Mad Marathon using a walk/run method, I was curious to see what I could accomplish with real training.
This time, I committed. I joined the Fleet Feet Marathon Training Program and started doing things the right way. The journey wasn’t easy—I battled Achilles tendonitis and relied on KT tape to get through the toughest runs. There were moments I wanted to quit, but my friend Kitty kept me going with her unwavering encouragement. Her support meant the world to me, and I’m forever grateful for her friendship.

Training through the heat of summer was a challenge. I had to run in town for one of my long runs. My friend Reggie offered to join me. This training run stands out in my memory: the dreaded 18-miler. Reggie joined me for the first 13 miles, then wisely went home to shower, relax, and enjoy her coffee. An hour later, as I trudged by her house, she waved at me from her couch. I laughed but told her, “After this cycle, I'll NEVER train for another marathon again!”
And then came race day.
This time, I was ready. I started with the 4-hour pace group led by “Otto,” the pacer. It felt amazing to know I had friends tracking me throughout the race, and the thought of seeing my daughter at the finish line kept me motivated. As the miles ticked by, I felt strong—so strong, in fact, that I pulled ahead of the pacer in the final stretch.

When I crossed the finish line with a Boston Qualifying time of 3:54, I was overwhelmed with emotion. My daughter was there, cheering for me, and her excitement made the moment even more special. That incredible feeling of pride and accomplishment will stay with me forever.
So, after vowing never to run another marathon during training, I guess the joke’s on me—I’ll have to keep training now!